Friday, March 28, 2008

Latest Big Horn Streamer Fishing Trip

Randy, Matt and Adam just got back from fishing the Big Horn in Montana for two and a half days.

We got on the river at about 2 in the afternoon on March 24th. We started fishing at the 3 Mile access and took out at 13 Mile. The weather was quite windy and overcast. Driving to the river we were concerned about the wind, however it didn't prove to be that bad. Fishing with streamers and using either 12 or 15 pound fluorocarbon tippet we really had some great fishing. Nearly every feeding fish would take our streamers. We ended up landing 103 trout.

The next day we put on the river below the after-bay at 9 am and fished to 13 mile. Fishing started out slow. The first hour was spent trying to find a streamer they would take. The bright sun had the fish a bit off. Low temperatures the previous night also had them a bit sluggish. The key is to continually change flies. Try a streamer for a 5 minutes and change if it is not working. You should have some standbys that always work and go back to them. Later the fishing picked up, but was not as good as the day before. We ended up landing and releasing 90 trout for the 13 mile stretch.

Wednesday the 26th of March we put in at 3 Mile and took out at 13 Mile. The weather was just right for a great day of fishing. The sky was overcast and no wind. As usual we started with streamers and used them all day. Fishing streamers instead of nymphs is just more fun in our opinion. We got on the river at 8:30 am and took out at 7 pm. We tried to fish water that we had not fished the two previous days. We released 215 trout for the day.

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