Sunday, April 6, 2008

Steamer Fishing 101

April 4 2008 marked the first day we landed over 100 fish in a day on the South Fork this year. Randy and Brian Berry Fished the section we refer to as the Lower Lower, from Heise to Lorenzo. The day was mostly cloudy and windy. The temperature was great, we never wore our gloves and there was no ice on our rods the entire day. There were three other boats on the water that day, but they floated out of sight as quickly as they appeared. The river was ours for the most part and we took advantage of it.

Switching out rowing after every two fish we racked up our fish counts. When we reached 80 fish we ventured down a misleading side channel that only produced one fish. The detour lasted for almost 45 minuets on an already fleeting day, and I thought our chances of breaking the century marks was lost.

Luckily as soon as we returned to the main river the fish returned to our flies. Immediately upon reaching 100 fish Randy insisted that we catch one more fish so that it would sound more believable. It was getting quite late and we had fished all day, but as I was in the fishing position I reluctantly agreed and landed number 101.

None of the fish were of great size. Most were between 14 and 18 inches with a few below 14 but none were larger than 18 inches in length. It was a great day, and only the first of many 100 fish days to be had at Teton Valley Lodge during the 2008 season. Join us and have one for yourself.

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